Barbara Kay's

About Me Page

Yours truly in my athletics stage
(This is the closest I ever
 came to being a jock.)

Well, I see you have stumbled across the page that's all about me. (Talk about being self centered.) I will try to give you some info about myself that hopefully you will find entertaining.

After looking over this page, go over the rest of my site if you have some time and if you find something of interest here, remember to bookmark this site so you can return with ease.

Thank you again for visiting and do come back often for infomaion updates. I also plan to add my own graphics pages with graphic designs that I will create on my own once I figure out how to do them.

Pass along my site address to your friends if you think they will something of interest. Take care and live long and prosper.


Me: Barbara Kay

Age: Old enough

Married: Yes, 7 great years

Children: One, son 4 years old

Likes: Harrison Ford, first class, Beanie Babies, Chinese food, Judge Judy, reading horror stories like Anne Rice and Dean Koontz, People's Court, Japanese food, going to the movies, and UCLA Bruin's sports.

Dislikes: Crowded air flights, heavy metal music, and country music.

Now let's go back home.

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